Henan Ingredients Group Co.,Ltd.
Products detail
Product Name: Bilberry Extract
CAS No: 84082-34-8
Product Type: Herbal Plant Extract
Product spec: 25%
Post Time: 2011-08-23
Description: (1)Protect eyesight and prevent blindness, blue light, cataracts, retinalbleeding, improve myopia and macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy,retinitis pigmentosa and night blindness and so on;(2) Increase the flexibility ofcapillaries; provide anti-oxidants, can eliminate free radicals, and preventarteriosclerosis;(3) Both can strengthen thecapillary of eyes, of course, can strengthen capillaries of other organs in thebody, can prevent vascular disease of organs;(4) Eliminate free radicals, whenfree radicals infract the DNA in the cells, it is the beginning of cancer.Blueberries are an antioxidant, which is the bane of free radicals; it is thescavenger of clearing the free radical;
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